Monday, October 26, 2009

MSG Implicated in Grotesque Obesity

There appears to be no question that MSG and aspartame cause lesions in the hypothalamus, the portion of the brain that is recognized to affect weight resulting in obesity and even grotesque obesity.

MSG is considered an “exciteotoxin,” meaning that it stimulates neurotransmitters in the brain which in turn “excite” nerves related to taste, making food taste better.

In other words, it actually adds no flavor to your food; the enhanced flavor literally is “all in your head.” Now, the reason scientists have given in the past for MSG contributing to weight gain is that the nerves excited by MSG don’t only affect your taste buds — they also give you a speedy, caffeinated feeling and simultaneously damage the appetite regulation center in your hypothalamus.

The impaired hypothalamus then fails to send you a cue to stop eating even if you’re full, and so you eat like a hippo.

It makes sense that if MSG leads to unregulated appetite, those who consume it would gain weight; that’s how scientists have explained the MSG-related weight gain in lab animals. But in the recent study, the researchers controlled for caloric intake and still MSG led to significant weight gain — so clearly, something independent of nerve-induced gluttony is going on. The scientists postulate that in addition to stimulating appetite, MSG alters fat metabolism, plus, it seems to impair the hormones that control weight gain.

MSG and Aspartame are found in many food and pharmaceutical substances, often without being identified as such on the labels.

If only you could just scratch MSG from your diet, it would be an easy fix. But MSG masquerades as many other innocuous sounding ingredients that you’ll find in a large proportion of food items. For instance, all of these additives always contain MSG (or simply are MSG in disguise): yeast extract, hydrolyzed protein, calcium caseinate, sodium caseinate, textured protein (including TVP), corn oil, and gelatin. Other additives that may contain MSG include corn starch, soy sauce, seasonings, carageenan, maltodextrin, rice syrup, whey protein, soy protein isolate, malt flavoring, stock, and many others.

Oh, and shopping at the health food store doesn’t guarantee that you’ll avoid MSG. Check labels and you’ll be shocked to discover that, in fact, even many organic prepared foods contain either MSG, or free-form glutamic acid.

For instance, Bragg’s Liquid Amino Acids are a rich source of free glutamic acid (hydrochloric acid is used in processing the liquid aminos). And many so-called “natural flavors” can include protein hydrolysates which can contain up to 20% MSG.

Lest you despair that you’ll never lose weight with MSG so omnipresent, here’s a bit of advice. Avoid prepared foods, rely on local organic produce to the extent possible, learn which MSG imposters masquerade as other ingredients and check labels.
MSG is the food scientist's best friend. Now he can surely get you hooked on MSG laden foods so that you will "eat like a Hippo"

There is no other choice than to heed the advice in the last part of the article, "Avoid prepared foods. Rely on local organic produce to the extent possible. Learn which MSG imposters maquerade as other ingredients.

Bill Young, Nutritional Therapy Coach

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